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Ray Brown, Jeff Hamilton, and Benny Green at Bermuda Onion Club

Ray Brown Collection

Ray Brown, Jeff Hamilton, and Benny Green at Bermuda Onion Club, Toronto, September 1992. 11 x 14 inch black and white photograph by Barry Thomson (Toronto, Ontario).

CREATOR Barry Thomson (Toronto, Ontario)
SUBJECT Brown, Ray, 1926-2002 Brown, Ray--Archives


Ray Brown

Ray Brown Collection

Ray Brown. 9 1/2 x 7 inch black and white photograph.

SUBJECT Brown, Ray, 1926-2002 Brown, Ray--Archives


Playboy All-Star Jazz Poll Winner 1967

Ray Brown Collection

Ray Brown, 1967. 2 1/2 inch Playboy All-Star Jazz Poll Winner medal.

CREATOR Playboy All-Star Jazz Poll
SUBJECT Brown, Ray, 1926-2002 Brown, Ray--Archives


Down Beat Award, 1953

Ray Brown Collection

Down Beat Award presented to Ray Brown Bass First Place, 1953. 10 x 6 3/8 inch wood finish plaque with musical theme and engraved plate.

SUBJECT Brown, Ray, 1926-2002 Brown, Ray--Archives


Playboy All-Star Jazz and Pop Poll Winner 1970, Bass

Ray Brown Collection

Ray Brown, 1970. 2 1/2 inch Playboy All-Star Jazz and Pop Poll Winner medal.

CREATOR Playboy All-Star Jazz Poll
SUBJECT Brown, Ray, 1926-2002 Brown, Ray--Archives


Playboy All-Star Jazz and Pop Poll Winner 1971

Ray Brown Collection

Ray Brown, Bass, 1971. 2 1/2 inch Playboy All-Star Jazz and Pop Poll Winner medal.

CREATOR Playboy All-Star Jazz Poll
SUBJECT Brown, Ray, 1926-2002 Brown, Ray--Archives


Ray Brown (signed)

Ray Brown Collection

Ray Brown (signed). 10 x 8 inch black and white photograph.

SUBJECT Brown, Ray, 1926-2002 Brown, Ray--Archives


Ray Brown playing the bass, facing right

Ray Brown Collection

Ray Brown playing the bass, facing right. 10 x 8 inch black and white photograph.

SUBJECT Brown, Ray, 1926-2002 Brown, Ray--Archives


Playboy All-Star Jazz Poll Winner 1963, Special Award, Bass

Ray Brown Collection

Ray Brown, Bass, Special Award, 1963. 2 1/2 inch Playboy All-Star Jazz Poll Winner medal.

CREATOR Playboy All-Star Jazz Poll
SUBJECT Brown, Ray, 1926-2002 Brown, Ray--Archives


Playboy All-Star Jazz Poll Winner 1964, Bass

Ray Brown Collection

Ray Brown, Bass 1964. 2 1/2 inch Playboy All-Star Jazz Poll Winner medal.

CREATOR Playboy All-Star Jazz Poll
SUBJECT Brown, Ray, 1926-2002 Brown, Ray--Archives


Ray Brown playing the bass, facing left

Ray Brown Collection

Ray Brown playing the bass, facing left. 10 x 8 inch black and white photograph.

SUBJECT Brown, Ray, 1926-2002 Brown, Ray--Archives


Ray Brown

Ray Brown Collection

Ray Brown. 10 x 8 inch color photograph.

SUBJECT Brown, Ray, 1926-2002 Brown, Ray--Archives


Playboy All-Star Jazz Poll Winner 1964, Bass

Ray Brown Collection

Ray Brown, Bass 1964. 2 1/2 inch Playboy All-Star Jazz Poll Winner medal.

CREATOR Playboy All-Star Jazz Poll
SUBJECT Brown, Ray, 1926-2002 Brown, Ray--Archives


Jazz Critics Poll, 1958

Ray Brown Collection

Ray Brown Bass Jazz Critics Poll Down Beat, 1958. 7 1/2 x6 1/2 inch shield wood finish plaque with engraved plate.

SUBJECT Brown, Ray, 1926-2002 Brown, Ray--Archives


The Blue Note salutes its Godfather jazz bassist Raymond (Ray) Brown, October 13, 2001

Ray Brown Collection

The Blue Note salutes its Godfather jazz bassist Raymond (Ray) Brown on his 75th birthday, New York, October 13, 2001. 14 x 11 1/2 inch wood finish plaque with engraved plate.

CREATOR The Blue Note
SUBJECT Brown, Ray, 1926-2002 Brown, Ray--Archives


Congratulations and Happy Birthday, October 13, 1996

Ray Brown Collection

Congratulations and Happy Birthday to the legendary bassist and godfather of The Blue Note Ray Brown on your 70th birthday, October 13, 1996. 12 x 9 inch wood finish plaque with engraved plate.

CREATOR The Blue Note
SUBJECT Brown, Ray, 1926-2002 Brown, Ray--Archives


Jazz Tribute Award, 1993

Ray Brown Collection

Los Angeles Jazz Society salutes Ray Brown for his contribution Jazz Tribute Award, 1993. 10 x 12 inch wood finish plaque with engraved plate.

CREATOR Los Angeles Jazz Society
SUBJECT Brown, Ray, 1926-2002 Brown, Ray--Archives


Inland Hospital Postcard

1918 Flu Pandemic Collection

Postcard depicting Dr. Carither's Inland Hospital, Moscow, Idaho. In 1918, while Dr. Carither's was serving the nation, he allowed Inland Hospital to be used for influenza patients from the university's Student Army Training Corps.

CREATOR Ott, Clifford M.
SUBJECT hospitals moscow buildings
LOCATION United States--Idaho--Latah County--Moscow


Angels of Mercy' - Red Cross Volunteers Marching in Armistice Parade

1918 Flu Pandemic Collection

Photograph of Red Cross Volunteers marching in World War I parade Main Street, Moscow, Idaho.

SUBJECT Red Cross Armistice Day parades moscow
LOCATION United States--Idaho--Latah County--Moscow


September-October Daily Diary

1918 Flu Pandemic Collection

Page from Esther E. Thomas' university scrapbook describing the time of the the influenza on campus. On October 21st, she mentions how all the school has closed and there are 40 cases of the "flu" and she spent all day "bum"ing at home. She is "desperate" for something to do by the second day,...

CREATOR Thomas, Esther E.
SUBJECT nurses students student life University of Idaho World War I
LOCATION United States--Idaho--Latah County--Moscow


November-December Daily Diary

1918 Flu Pandemic Collection

Page from Esther E. Thomas' university scrapbook describing the time of the influenza on campus. She talks about working as a nurse for the "flu" boys and going into quarantine to get a health certificate, so she can return to classes.

CREATOR Thomas, Esther E.
SUBJECT nurses students student life University of Idaho World War I
LOCATION United States--Idaho--Latah County--Moscow


The Red Cross

1918 Flu Pandemic Collection

After the outbreak of World War I and subsequently the influenza the American Red Cross mobilized thousands of individuals. In Moscow, to combat the war the Red Cross did everything they could from knitting socks to preparing bandages to be sent to soldiers. When the influenza came to the area...

CREATOR Thomas, Esther E.
SUBJECT Red Cross nurses World War I
LOCATION United States--Idaho--Latah County--Moscow


Alpha Kappa Epsilon House

1918 Flu Pandemic Collection

Photograph of the Alpha Kappa Epsilon House. This house was converted into an auxiliary hospital for patients with mild symptoms of the influenza.

CREATOR Thomas, Esther E.
SUBJECT hospitals fraternities houses
LOCATION United States--Idaho--Latah County--Moscow


Student Petition

1918 Flu Pandemic Collection

The first page of a signed petition from the students of the University of Idaho requesting cancellation of studies, school functions, and other duties until after the Thanksgiving Holiday due to the quarantine.

SUBJECT quarantine students University of Idaho
LOCATION United States--Idaho--Latah County--Moscow